Monday, July 16, 2018

VIDEO FEATURE | Mt Halcon (Cinematic Video)

Mt Halcon aka Sialdang is definitely one of the most esteemed hiking destination in the Philippines. Dubbed as majestic or sometimes "The Mighty Sialdang". A storied mountain that had claimed many lives due to its unpredictable weather, long steep trails and dense forest. Mt Halcon is only open for hikers from January to May. 
This is the first hike where I started to actually vlog as I've never done it before. I would usually just take photos and videos without sharing my voice. This video is also my first attempt at cinematic editing. I've tried to capture as many timelapse as I could, but alas I didn't have much time in the summit. 
The weather during my hike was also very good, we didn't get that drenching rain or hypothermia inducing cold that this mountain is known for. I vowed to climb this mountain again, for more majestic visuals like the famous sea of clouds or the strong currents of Dulangan river. Hiking Mt Halcon will make you introspect why you are doing this, hence it is sometimes referred to as the introductory mountain to serious mountaineering. 

Camera: Francis Balgos 
Video Editing: Francis Balgos 
Camera: GoPro Hero 6, GoPro Hero4 Silver, Nikon D5330 
Stabilizer: FeiyuTech G5 Gimbal 
Editing Software: Sony Vegas Pro 13 
Song: Queen of the skies 
Artist: Nicolai Heidlas 
Please do not use my video clips without my permission. Send me email to or private message. Ang Pala-lagaw

Francis Balgos has declared himself a champion of weekend travel warriors, of call center agents who have less time for themselves, he feels everyone of you who has desires to be at two places at the same time, to see the world in their own eyes, to live fully at the best of their years. ...

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